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Fee Schedule


Service Fees
Account Reconciliation (per hour) $25.00
ACH Origination (one time originations, each origination, non-recurring originations) $10.00
Additional Copy of Monthly or Quarterly Statement $5.00
ATM Card Annual Fee (non-debit card) $12.00
ATM Balance Inquiry (performed at an FNCU ATM) free
ATM Balance Inquiry (performed at a non-FNCU ATM)* $1.00
ATM Withdrawals (at FNCU, STAR, Allpoint, and CO-OP Network ATMs)* First four per month free, $1.50 each thereafter
ATM Transfers (performed at an FNCU ATM) free
ATM Transfers (performed at a non-FNCU ATM)* $1.00
Certified Mail $5.00
Cashier Check $5.00
Check Clearing Staff Assisted Information $2.00
Corrected Vehicle Title Varies
Deposited Checks Returned (including those made at ATMs) - per each presentment and any subsequent representment(s) $29.00
Early Closure of Membership Account (account closed within 90 days of opening) $15.00
Excessive Withdrawal from Share Savings** $6.00
Excessive Withdrawal/Transfer Share Savings, Checking, IRA Accounts † $5.00
Excessive Withdrawal/Transfer Money Market Accounts †† $9.00
Foreign Check Deposit (per check) Minimum $15.00
Inactive Visa® Debit Card (no activity for 6+ months) $5.00/month
Insurance Sight Draft Deposited $15.00
International Transactions (Visa Debit Card & Visa Credit Card) 1% of transaction amount 
Loan Payoff Letter 1st request free, $25.00 each thereafter
Inactive Account (90+ days inactivity for members with only a Share Savings Account with avg daily bal <$500) $9.00/month
Medallion Stamp (members) free
Money Order $2.00
Notarized document (members) free
NSF (Non-Sufficient Funds) for the following: ACH Share Draft, Debit Card Overdraft, Loan Payment (each presentment) $29.00
Over the Phone Same Day Loan Payment (for each loan payment) $5.00
Paper Statement (each monthly or quarterly statement issued) $5.00
Printed Account History $5.00
Reloadable Debit Card Purchase (Click Here for All Fees) $5.00
Returned Correspondence - Incorrect Mailing Address (per occurrence) $5.00
Special Order Copy of Check $5.00
Staff Assisted Phone Transactions - each occurrence (for members with a Share Savings Account only and avg daily bal < $2500) $2.00
Stop Payment of Check or ACH (each check or ACH) $29.00
Subordination Agreement (unless request is denied) $75.00
Teller Check Withdrawal (per check, made payable to a third party) $2.00
Temporary Checks (8-check pack) $5.00
UPS Delivery (each mailed item) $25.00 (weekdays)
$40.00 (Saturdays)
Verification of Deposit (per request) $10.00
Visa Lost Card Replacement First occurrence free, $25.00 each thereafter
Visa Debit Card PIN or card rush (each item, each request) $50.00
Visa Gift Card Cost of Purchase $2.75
Wire Transfers - Outgoing (per individual wire) $25.00 (domestic)
$40.00 (international)
Withdrawal Check Mailing  First occurrence free, $3.00 each thereafter
Checking Accounts
Below Monthly Average Daily Minimum Balance Requirement (Advantage & Preferred Checking Accounts Only) $7.00
Below Monthly Average Daily Minimum Balance Requirement (CreditSense Checking only) $7.00
Courtesy Pay (per occurrence) $29.00
Inactivity Fee (each month, each checking account) $9.00
Overdraft Transfer from Share Savings Account or other account sources (each occurrence) $5.00
Low Signature-Based Transaction Fee Minimum of 10 Posted Per Month (Advantage Checking Only) $7.00
Monthly Maintenance Fee (CreditSense Checking only) $2.00
No Direct Deposit Fee (Advantage Checking Only) $9.00
NSF (Non-Sufficient Funds) - per each presentment and any subsequent representment(s) (additional non-credit union charges may also occur) $29.00
Visa Debit Card/ATM Card Annual Fee (CreditSense Checking only)*** $25.00
First Northern Bill Pay
NSF (Non-Sufficient Funds) - per each presentment and any subsequent representment(s) (additional non-credit union charges may also occur) $22.00
Money Market Accounts
Annual Average Daily Balance Below Minimum $20.00
Below Monthly Average Daily Minimum $15.00
NSF Checks (Non-Sufficient Funds) - per each presentment and any subsequent representment(s)(additional non-credit union charges may also occur) $29.00
Over Monthly Transaction Volume Limit $9.00 (more than 3 checks per month)
$9.00 (more than 3 withdrawals or transfers per month)
Safe Deposit Boxes (Show Place Drive location only)
3" x 10" x 22" $24.00 per year
5" x 5" x 22" $36.00 per year
5" x 10" x 22" $48.00 per year
10" x 10" x 22" $96.00 per year
Drill Fee $250.00
Lost Key Fee $25.00

* Does not include surcharges from other institutions

** 1 free per month; $6.00 each thereafter for members with less than $1,000 aggregate daily share balance. This fee applies to withdrawals conducted in the lobby, drive-thru, shared branches, and/or by phone with a representative.

*** Fee charged upon opening of account and on yearly anniversary date

† During any month, you may not make more than six withdrawals or transfers to another credit union account of yours or to a third party by means of a preauthorized, automatic, or computer transfer, telephonic order or instruction, or similar order to a third party. If you exceed the transfer limitations set forth above, your account will be charged an excessive withdrawal/transfer fee of $5.00 per transaction and will be subject to closure by the credit union.

†† During any month, you may not make more than six withdrawals or transfers to another credit union account of yours or to a third party by means of a preauthorized, automatic, or computer transfer or telephonic order or instruction; check, draft or similar order to a third party. If you exceed the transfer limitations set forth above, an excessive withdrawal/transfer fee of $9.00 will be charged for each debit transaction (withdrawal, draft or check paid, automatic transfer or payment out of this account) in excess of the above transaction limitations and your account will be subject to closure by the credit union.

For more details, refer to your Truth-In-Savings or Truth-In-Lending disclosures.

For Visa Credit Card fees, see the Application & Solicitation Disclosure provided to you at account opening.