Throughout the month of August the Rockford branch and Mortgage Services Office coordinated a donation drive benefitting Rock House Kids. We were seeking non-perishable individually wrapped snack items that kids could take home with them. Members, area residents, and staff visited both locations and dropped off their items. On August 10th, we also hosted an Ice Cream Event and collected even more during that event.

On September 7th, 2022, with thanks to all who brought in their donations, we were able to collect and donate more than $500 worth of snack-items. From peanut-butter crackers and bottles of water to bags of chips and fruit cups – we were astounded by the generosity of everyone who donated.

These individual snacks will be used by Rock House Kids to create Kid-Friendly Food Bags. They will help out youth of all ages when they leave Rock House Kids at the end of their day there. In addition to our food donation, our Rockford branch offers its staff the option to wear jeans on a single non-casual work day in exchange for a $3 donation. At the time of our donation, we were able to donate an additional $250 to their cause.

Rock House Kids provides evening programs for the youth of the inner city of Rockford. During out visit today we were provided with a tour of their expanding facility by Melissa. Seeing first hand the good work that is done for these kids, it was incredible to see how much of a difference even a few hours of time could benefit their organization. Their facility operates all-year with programs available Monday through Thursday which support youth from grades 1 – 12. If you’d like more information on how you could donate items or your time you can find that information and more online at

Thank you to everyone who made a donation and to all the staff that opted to wear jeans. FNCU and Rock House Kids truly appreciates the generosity.