2023 is coming to a close and with the end of the year, we want to take a moment to thank everyone who helped make this year so incredible for us. We supported our communities together and donated toys, books, food, scarves, hats, gloves, and school supplies - making a large difference in the lives of others.
We met you as we visited our partners ComEd and Exelon or Northwestern Medicine. Maybe you attended a live concert or movie in the park with us and stopped by to say hello and pick up a reusable bag. We were at Farmer's Markets in Rockton and Chicago, too.
Did you celebrate with us at our Easter or Fall Festivals? Or at our Rockford Community Appreciation Day? Did we see you out Trick or Treating downtown Evanston? (Did we guess your costume correctly?) Did you have Cocoa with us at the Crawl in Rockton or Flapjacks while you wore Flannels in Evanston?
However you found us we're glad you're here. You helped make 2023 amazing and we can't wait to see what 2024 will bring us. We put together this highlight reel of some of the memories that were part of 2023 and hope you enjoy it.
And if you missed out on any of this - make sure to follow us on social media so you won't miss anything in 2024.
Here's a look back at all the events we participated in this year! 🎉